Saturday, February 11, 2012

Renewing the Mind in Marriage

Renewing the Mind in Marriage
By Pastors Mike and Me-Ann Bunye

Marriage is the most intimate of all human relationships. After our relationship with
God, marriage is the next most important. Before there is a relationship with children, marriage was established. Before there were governments or nations, schools and even churches, there was marriage. Marriage is God’s good idea not man’s. God instituted marriage. Therefore, it is a covenant of God with us, it belongs to Him, and we made it with Him. In Genesis 2:24, the Word says that man and woman shall become one flesh. One flesh here does not simply mean gluing together but it means fusion. Two distinct elements into one.
Fusion makes them one and inseparable. To become one flesh is the goal. To move as a unit, as one. A husband and wife are more powerful as a team because of the extension of the body, not just one, but two in one. Marriage is the Greek word “gameo” which derives from the same root as our English word gem. The root word literally means “fuse together.” Fusion of different elements into one describes the process by which precious gems are formed deep in the earth. The process is also an appropriate description of marriage. Precious gems are formed underground out of ordinary elements that are subjected to great heat and pressure over an extended period of time. So ordinary people who get into marriage are transformed by heat and pressure over an extended period of time. Fusion happens and a gem is produced. This is one reason God established marriage as a permanent lifelong relationship. There must be sufficient time for two people with separate and distinct backgrounds and personalities to become fused together as one flesh. That is why God said, “and they shall be one flesh.”
Not overnight, not for 10 years, but a lifetime commitment. Pressure is experienced in
marriage but godly marriages become stronger under pressure. The decision to stick
together and to move together makes the marriage strong, and as a result the couple
also becomes strong. They say those who stay married with the same spouse live longer than
the rest. They withstand the test of time. As a husband and wife face the pressure together
with the Lord, they become stronger and union grows. Marriage fuses them into one,
nothing can break them apart. Marriage is a process in which fusion of two
distinct and different elements becomes one sparkling jewel of love. And as a diamond
in the rough is being cut by a specially designed tool, they become more beautiful.
In marriage, this tool is the Word of God. As husband and wife renew themselves in the
Word together, they become more brilliant and dazzling to look at.
Building a strong marriage does not just happen. You need to work on it by renewing
your minds through the Word. A successful marriage depends on the knowledge of the Word of God.

In Genesis 2:24, the Word says that man and woman shall become
one flesh. One flesh here does not simply mean gluing together
but it means fusion. Two distinct elements into one. Fusion makes
them one and inseparable.

Rev. Michael C. Bunye is the Senior Pastor of Jesus Faith Christian Fellowship Church Inc. (Imus, Cavite) a.k.a. FAITH CENTER IMUS.
With his wife Pastora Me-Ann Bunye (Senior Associate Pastor);
Their ministry is to reach and teach the people to get closer to God, meet their needs and help bring change in their lives through the Word of God.