Saturday, February 11, 2012
The Christian Family
The Christian Family
By Pastor Mike Bunye
There are families failing today simply because they lack knowledge. And so we have to see the perfect will of God concerning the family. God is a family Man and He wants you to prosper in your family life.
Family is the foundation of the society. Whatever happens to the family will happen to the nation. The Christian family is the fundamental organization on which each local church and ultimately the universal church is built. The success of our local church is dependent on the Christian family. As Christians, we are responsible to hold up the banner of God’s Word and live godly lives in an ungodly world. One of the greatest Christian witnesses to the world today is a happy, productive marriage. Believers’ marriage should be living proof to pre-believers that Jesus Christ heals and restores families, brings husbands and wives together, and enables them to turn away from sin and live godly lives. It is then our duty to put a standard in our lives based on the Word of God. And that includes marriage and having a family. In Genesis 2:18-24, We can see the first marriage in the Garden of Eden, a marriage ordained by God. Without marriage as a divine ordinance, you will not have a family based on God’s standards. You may have a living arrangement but not a godly relationship. It is the perfect will of God for man and woman to be married. And marriage is only as good as the degree to which the couple is willing to work at it. So try to work at your marriage, try to develop it, the two of you developing in the relationship where both of you accept correction and understand one another. There is no limit to the joy, pleasure and blessings God can bring to you through a marriage where you and your spouse are truly one flesh.
(This is an excerpt from The Christian Family
Series IV message on November 6, 2005. To
hear the complete teaching, order your audio
or video copy at the church office.)
Rev. Michael C. Bunye
He is the Senior Pastor of Jesus Faith Christian Fellowship Church Inc. (Imus, Cavite)
With his wife Pastora Me-Ann Bunye (Senior Associate Pastor);
Their ministry is to reach and teach the people to get closer to God, meet their needs and help bring change in their lives through the Word of God.